A to Z Stripe Challenge

Welcome to my A to Z Stripe Challenge. In 2021, I set out the challenge to dye my way through Gilmore Girls A-Z. This year, I'm furthering the personal challenge, by extending categories. I'm planning on finishing Gilmore Girls and then moving onto other categories. I'll update the table below as I go.

Gilmore Girls TV Movie Cozy Mystery Video Games Cartoon Around the World Disney
A Al's Pancake World Arrested Development Angry Birds Anna
B Babette Bewitched Bejewelled
C Christopher Crimes & Covers
D Dean Dawson's Creek Death & Sensibility
E Emily Escape to the Country EverQuest Elsa
F Francie
G Gypsy
H Hay Bale Maze
I In Omnia Paratus
J Jess
K Kirk
L Logan Lucifer
M Michel
N [April] Nardini
O Oy with the Poodles Already
P Paris
Q Queen of Ice Cream
R Richard
S Sookie
SpongeBob Squarepants
T Taylor Tetris
U Urine Mints?
V Valedictorian
W Weston's Bakery